国防部:中新(加坡)举行 " 合作 -2024" 陆军联合训练
The MND:China and Singapore Held Exercise Cooperation-2024 Joint Army Training
11 月 15 日下午,国防部新闻发言人张晓刚大校就近期涉军问题发布消息。
张晓刚:根据年度计划及中新双方共识,11 月下旬,中国和新加坡两国军队位河南举行 " 合作 -2024" 陆军联合训练,以城区联合反恐行动为课题,旨在深化两军务实合作、提升联合反恐行动能力。中新 " 合作 " 系列陆军联训是两军传统合作品牌,今年是第 6 次举行。
Zhang Xiaogang:According to the annual plan and consensus of the two sides, the Chinese and Singaporean militaries held the Exercise Cooperation-2024 joint army training in Henan province in late November. The subject of the training is urban joint counter-terrorism operations. The exercise aims at deepening pragmatic cooperation between the two militaries and strengthening their capabilities in joint counter-terrorism operations. Exercise Cooperation joint army training is a traditional cooperation project between the Chinese and Singaporean militaries. This year ’ s training marks the sixth of its kind.