ZAKER吉林 07-26
中国日报英文报道外国专家点赞吉林创新模式 科技助力黑土地保护


Straw mulching helps to protect black soil


Conservation tillage, advanced machinery boost yields, increase farmers' incomes


Developing conservation tillage with improved farming techniques and agricultural machinery can increase grain production on the black soil in Northeast China, protect land resources and increase farmers' incomes, agricultural experts say.


On Monday — Black Soil Conservation Day in Jilin province — more than 300 agricultural experts from home and abroad, including major black soil areas in the world such as the United States and Russia, gathered in Changchun, the provincial capital, to discuss topics related to the conservation and utilization of black soil.

周一(7 月 22 日)是吉林省的黑土保护日,来自国内外的 300 多名农业专家,包括美国和俄罗斯等世界主要黑土地区的专家,聚集在吉林省的省会长春,讨论与黑土地保护和利用相关的话题。


"Black soil is a precious agricultural resource," said Professor Jia Zhongjun from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology. "With a large population and limited land, China is under pressure to feed its people. Therefore, great emphasis has been placed on the development and protection of black soil, accumulating rich farming techniques and experiences. We hope to exchange ideas with agricultural experts from around the world."

中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所的贾仲军教授表示:" 黑土是一种宝贵的资源 "。他说:" 中国人口众多,土地有限,保证老百姓有足够的粮食非常重要。中国非常重视黑土地的保护和利用,积累了丰富的技术和经验。我们希望与世界各国的农业专家分享和交流。"

China is one of the world's four typical black soil regions, with approximately 50 million hectares of black soil mainly concentrated in Northeast China.

中国是世界四大典型黑土区之一,约 5000 万公顷的黑土地主要集中在东北地区。

"Black soil feeds the world," said Tong Yuxing, an official from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.However, despite being a major grain-producing region in China, the organic matter content in the topsoil of the black soil region in Northeast China has decreased by over 50 percent in the past 100 years.

联合国粮食及农业组织官员佟玉欣说:" 黑土养育了世界。" 他同时表示,尽管东北是中国主要的粮食产区,但在过去的 100 年里,其表层土壤中的有机质含量下降了 50% 以上。

The average thickness of the black soil layer has decreased from about 50 centimeters to around 30 cm, and it is still declining at an annual rate of 0.05 percent, according to research by the institute.

根据该研究所的研究,黑土层的平均厚度已从约 50 厘米减少到约 30 厘米,并且仍在以每年 0.05% 的速度下降。

Strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching rural areas were underlined in the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization adopted at the third plenary session of the CPC's 20th Central Committee last week.


In July 2020, CAS launched a "Black Soil Granary" scientific campaign. Seven farmland demonstration areas were established in the provinces of Jilin, Heilongjiang and Liaoning and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, including Lishu, Da'an, Longjiang and Dahewan.

2020 年 7 月,中国科学院发起了一项名为 " 黑土粮仓 " 的科技行动。在吉林、黑龙江、辽宁和内蒙古自治区建立了七个农田示范区,包括吉林的梨树和大安。

Through collaboration among research institutions, government agencies and enterprises, conservation tillage has been developed based on modern farming techniques and has been applied to 18 million hectares of farmland, Jia said.

贾仲军表示,通过科研机构、政府和企业之间的合作,吉林的保护性耕作已经基于现代化的农业技术迅速发展起来,并已应用于 1800 万公顷的农田。

Straw mulching is the core of conservation tillage.


"Under different temperature and humidity conditions in different regions, we have explored three methods of handling straw — covering, mixing and burying — to accelerate decomposition and increase soil organic matter content," Jia said.

贾说:" 在不同地区不同的温度和湿度条件下,我们探索了三种处理秸秆的方法——覆盖、混合和掩埋——以加速分解并增加土壤有机质含量。"

Taking the demonstration area in Lishu county, Siping, Jilin, as an example, after harvesting corn, the harvester scatters all the straw on the ground to cover the land, reducing environmental pollution caused by traditional burning, as well as soil erosion and sand blowing. By the following spring, the straw naturally decomposes into organic fertilizer, Jia said.


"However, if the straw is scattered on the ground, it will affect the planting in the second year," he said. "Therefore, we have independently developed a seeder that can gently open the surface without destroying the straw cover as much as possible and sow seeds next to the planting points from the previous year.

" 然而,如果稻草散落在地上,将影响第二年的种植 " 他说。" 因此,我们自主研发了一种播种机,它可以犁开地表,在尽可能不破坏秸秆覆盖物的前提下,在上一年的种植区域旁边进行播种 "。

After a field trip to Lishu last week, Michael Thompson, a professor at Iowa State University in the US, said: "It could improve the management of crop residues on the surface and improve the incorporation of the residues in the soil. The machinery was really new to me and very interesting, so I'll take those ideas back with me to the US."


上周实地考察吉林梨树后,美国爱荷华州立大学教授迈克尔 · 汤普森说:" 它可以改善地表作物残茬的管理,提高残茬在土壤中的融入度。对我来说,这种机械很新奇,非常有趣,所以我会把这些想法带回美国。"

Thompson, who is also president of the Soil Science Society of America, said, "Increasing communication between scientists in the US and China, and other countries around the world, is really advantageous for us."

汤普森也是美国土壤科学学会主席,他说:" 美国、中国和世界其他国家的科学家之间加强交流,对我们来说非常有益。"

Steffen Kolb, an agricultural professor at Humboldt University of Berlin, said: "When we think of sustainability, we might minimize economic outputs. But I'm very impressed that in northeastern China, I saw people protect soil on a large scale but also figure out how to guarantee the produce."

柏林洪堡大学农业教授斯蒂芬 · 科尔布说:" 当我们考虑可持续性时,我们可能会把经济产出降到最低。但给我留下深刻印象的是,在中国的吉林,我看到人们大规模保护土壤的同时,也想出了保证农产品产量的科学做法。"

Kolb said that China plays an important role in global food security due to its high agricultural productivity capacity, praising China's efforts in building a strong foundation of science and technology in agriculture.


"Through more communication and cooperation, we can share the technologies and ideas that we develop with regions facing food scarcity," he said.

" 更多的交流与合作,我们可以与面临粮食短缺的国家和地区分享先进的技术和经验 " 科尔布最后说。





the 长春 美国 俄罗斯



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